image displaying Lester Grennell - Project Superintendent



Why this business: 

My Grandfather and Father were both carpenters so of course they got me started as a teenager. Since it was already part of the family business and I had experience in construction, it made sense to continue down this career path.

First project/most memorable/most proud project you were a part of: 

The City of Newark’s Domestic Court Building project was exciting because it was my first job as a manager and a huge success.

Woody Hayes Training Facility was my most memorable. Not only did we build some excellent detailed custom features, but I also met and talked to coach Tressel and the entire football team at one point or another.

Corporate Sweets buildout at OSU Stadium was the most rewarding because it was an extremely detailed job with many challenges in logistics, timing with football games, redesigning of many things with the architect, and completing a one-of-a-kind facility.

Best part of your job: 

Best part of my job is the people I work with and the clients that I have the opportunity to work for. Construction is really based in relationships. When you’ve been a part of the industry for so long, you tend to make lasting partnerships.

What do you like about Central Ohio: 

The Agricultural areas have always been my favorite because of being away from populated areas. Open fields and woodland areas are special because of the scenery and, most especially, the wildlife.

Best compliment anyone could give you: 

That it was a pleasure to work with you.

Define Building Excellence

The completion of a job on time with the extreme satisfaction of the Clients that we work for.

Best advice you ever got: 

Be true and honest and treat everyone with the respect.


I enjoy hunting, fishing, and golf.